Tag Archives: farm fresh eggs

Farm Updates!

I have been lax about keeping this site updated as I blog about our farm on my personal blog. But a massive overhaul is in the works. In the mean time here are some links and info on what we have been up to:

http://comfyposy.com/2013/04/24/circle-of-life-first-part/ We are building a rabbitry. Harlequin and Silver Fox are the breeds we will be starting out with and we should have all our rabbits home and ready to be bred by the end of July at the latest. Once we get up and running, we will usually have bunnies for sale as pets, or dressed rabbits for dinner. More to come as we get them here!


http://comfyposy.com/2013/03/25/big-plans/ As far as chickens go…all 17 of our babies have been moved outside like big girl chickens and are doing great. Being as they are mostly Leghorns with a few Rhode Island Reds thrown in, we will have a huge surge in eggs come September / October. When we add the babies to our “Vets” (they survived two full out dog attacks) and our mutts, we should be sitting at about 17 dozen per week. Holy lot of eggs Batman! If you want to have a weekly dozen (or more) let me know…it’s $20 for 5 weeks worth or it will be $5 per dozen if you buy them singly.

Baby goats are happening! Our best milking doe is on a “date” with a very handsome buck (out at our breeder friends) right now, which means Frosty will be having babies in the fall. We are so excited! Peaches is also there working on getting knocked up as well. The plan is to sell Peaches as a bred doe, keep any does that Frosty throws, and breed Wishes in the fall for her first freshening which would give up babies in the spring as well. I can’t wait, I love baby goats!


Wishes loves the camera!

http://comfyposy.com/2013/04/27/circle-of-life-part-two/ Last but not least…vermicomposting! or for you non-hippie, non-gardening freaks…earth worms! So far so good with our worms, we are going on one week with them in their box and they all seem to be happily…uh…doing worm stuff? and more importantly, no nasty smells are emanating from their box. Yay!


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Filed under Chickens, eggs, Garden, Goats, Rabbits