So much happening!

Here is what happened today on the second type of garden we are experimenting with:

Planting will happen the middle of February and we have to plant that early to beat the stupid heat that attacks us. So don’t worry Montana people…we get our comeuppance in July.

This is what is going on with the first dirt garden:

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A whole lot of nothing. Turns out plants need sun to grow! Shocker, right? well when I positioned the garden I didn’t account for the sun moving in the winter and so this garden will be brilliant in about 2 months. As a winter garden, yeah, not so much. But it’s ok we have the little onion that could, making a valiant attempt at life and that makes me happy.

Soon we will be building another aquaponics system, using the FriendlyAquaponics 128 square foot layout. It will be a raft system to bypass our growing media problem of the first system. Our goal is to have it built and stocked (with fish and plants by the middle of March).

In other news: we are processing our first litter of rabbit kits on Saturday so a post chronicling that…um…adventure? will be coming soon. Also, I’m making soap (yay!) and possibly a shampoo replacement bar is in my future. Goat girls are due to kid the end of February-early March (well one is due in April), so when we go from our current 3 cups of milk per day to 1 gallon per day we are really going to buckle down and learn cheeses. I will make a hard cheese that my kids will eat if it kills me! Chickens continue to lay eggs and make me laugh so they are awesome and my husband reminded me that I really don’t want to raise turkeys in the spring…well at least not this year.

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Filed under Chickens, eggs, Garden, Goats, Rabbits, soap

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